Stadtwerk Marzahn

Otto-Rosenberg-Straße 1
12681 Berlin

Stadtwerk mrzn is an open and experimental construction site of S27 – Art and Education. Berlin Mondiale has partnered with S27 to help find a location and local partners for the project. Since the summer of 2020, S27 has been constructing a future laboratory at Otto-Rosenberg-Platz, bringing together local and international communities filled with diversity and ideas. Together with craftsmen, architects, artists, gardeners, neighbors, and various associations, they are developing ideas for open spaces, new work perspectives, and joint urban development. The initiative and enthusiasm of the community for the joint project "Stadt" are at the forefront. Berlin Mondiale provides artistic input at the Marzahn location and collaborates with actors in our network to strengthen the project. The partnership is currently on hold since 2022, interested parties can still reach out to us about project ideas in Marzahn via our other hub Platz ohne Name.

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Hohenzollerndamm 208a
10717 Berlin



Open Berlin e.V.
Lutherplatz 3
13585 Berlin


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