Funding recommendations of the Jury  2023

April 26, 2023

The 7 jury members* of the Berlin Mondiale Open Call met on 26, April 2023 and decided !

From over 40 applications, the jury recommended 15 projects for funding. More information about each event within this selection of projects will be available on our Website Calendar!

Here are the projects recommended for funding by the jury (categorized by location of project):


Neukölln (Apfelsinenplatz) 

  • Exchange Cabin/ Tanja Kayali 
  • Workshop-Reihe Klimagerechtigkeit/ Veronika Bauer


Marzahn (Platz ohne Name)

  • Wir Machen Platz!/ Maria Ferrara Jimenez Barrio
  • Berlin Solidarity Map/ Mohamed Badarne


Heinersdorf (Zukunftswerkstatt)

  • Multidimensionale Identitäten - Von Menschen, Zwibel und Ihren (Ge)Schichten/ Wirya Budaghi
  • ComRap/ Antonio Robles


Spandau (St.-Wilhelm-Kirche)

  • Somehow Autofiction/ Mudar Alhaggi


Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Literaturhaus Berlin)

  • Radio and Podcast Workshop/ Bino (Petros) Byansi
  • M' lab. Performance meets Literature/ Janina Ahh
  • Female voices in Exile/ Yasmin Merei


Tempelhof-Schöneberg (Cabuwazi)

  • Salon Misq - Syrian Queer Dialogues/  Intersections eV
  • Circk(ulus) - Circle of Society in Various Colors/ Sonja Heller, Akiles


Other locations

  • O-Platz Familienfest/ Daphne Brunet
  • Durch Unsere Augen/ Therese Koppe
  • Gemeinsam anders sein / Johanna Mari


The official funding recommendations and rejection notices are sent in a timely manner by e-mail. Unfortunately we are not always able to offer personalized feedback in the event of an unfavorable decision. We appreciate your understanding.

* The Jury Members that selected the projects are:
  • Dana Haddad/ Baynatna – The Arabic library in Berlin
  • Trang Tran/  Theater an der Parkeau
  • Daphne Brunet/ Cabuwazi Tempelhof
  • Fetewei Tarekegn/ Berlin Mondiale
  • Amani Alshuweikh/ Navitas Home - Jugendheim lichtenberg
  • Jost Fleige and and Kunst Werk Stadt Berlin/ Kirchengemeinde Gropiusstadt and Kunst Werk Stadt Berlin
  • Benjamin Schubert/ Zukunftswerkstatt Heinersdorf - Bürgerverein Berlin-Heinersdorf e. V. 
Expert Guests:
  • Natasha Davis/ Counterpoints arts
  • Daniela Frölich/ Degewo
  • Vanessa Lüke/ Degewo


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