Growing up means self determination—but also challenges.
How much of myself can I reveal? Will I be accepted? Which spaces belong to me—and which have been denied to me? This transformation is akin to metamorphosis.
Together with dancer and choreographer Iman Gele (MINCE e.V.) and theater educator and director Mirah Laline (DT Jung*), you will develop an open-air dance theater performance featuring Afro-diasporic dance styles, primarily Krump and Hip Hop that redefines identity and creates space for collective empowerment.✨
DT Jung* is a project by Deutsches Theater Berlin in cooperation with Mince.ev, Berlin Mondiale, Jugendzentrum Wutzkyallee
🕒 Time
5:00 to 7:00 PM
📅 When -📍Where
24/03 & 07/04- Jugendzentrum Wutzkyallee- Wutzkyallee 88
31/03 & 14/04 - Deutsches Theater Berlin- Schumannstraße 13A
🌈 For Who
For everyone aged between 14 and 29